Monday, April 1, 2024


                          Ukraine:   I wonder if any of our leaders in Washington are actually watching where the money sent is going.  Why, well in the last month or so the President of Ukraine has 1. fired the whole purchasing dept, who were buying uniforms and other supplies for the armed forces and charging the gov't twice the price. Of course, keeping the profit for themself.   #2 Fired the General in charge of all the armed forces. PS he was also an acclaimed leader and hero to his countrymen. #3 Fired all of his aides. Some who have been with him since his comedy sitcom.

                            Helping is one thing, but who are we helping? Do you think our leaders can tell us?


                             PS Just a note to all the reporters and gov't press people. When reporting shootings and other violent story's it's not [shot by gun] it's shot by an ILLEGAL gun. Legal handgun owners are not the problem. The shootings are committed by people using ILLEGAL guns 90% of the time.

  All information harvested from local newspapers.

1 comment:

  1. You are correct sir. Illegal handgun owners are 90% of the problem.


 3/6/25                                                                                                                                     ...