Friday, November 29, 2024

 11/29/24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Just a quick note on yesterday's parade. (Thanksgiving Day) I've been watching for about 70 yrs. I noticed something I should have been aware of, But never realized before. I know its main purpose is to help push movies and new stars and certain entertainers the young are there to see in person. But on this occasion, I noticed a high school band from South Dakota (200 strong, I love the bands) came marching to the performance location (in front of Macys) got into formation and began to play, young smiling, facing the cameras, for 5 seconds, when as they were just starting NBC went to a commercial. Gone never to be seen again on the broadcast. All the practicing, travel plans, costs to family, school etc. How about grandparents and others waiting and planning to watch them on TV. I know this not an earthshattering story but for me I wouldn't miss one of those lipped-sync Bwy plays they were pushing all during the parade.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

 11/27/24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      From The Detroit News "Washingtons' takeover of the auto industry should come to a close. While some regulatory oversight is necessary, federal rules should not be used to dictate what vehicles Americans can drive". How was this ever able to happen? Who benefitted not us (the people who are paying for it). I Quess the lobbyists and the people in the know were given the heads-up to what stocks to buy. In a Democracy ( Pres Biden) aren't we all supposed to be included. WHERE'S MY STOCK. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2024


                                     I hope everyone is going to have great Holidays this season. I'm sure you're all aware of people canceling Christmas and Thanksgiving because of the election results (I'm sure their children understand why). Unbelievable as this seems, you have to realize these are probably the same people who totally went along and believed all the phony trials and lawsuits of the last few years. Personal attacks on candidates' families and friends, from not only the opposing candidates, but from the newspapers and all the media people once trusted to get their information. I hope all the participants, the Judges, prosecutors, DAs, celebrities, CEOs, etc., will face the consequences of their actions. A person was killed, families destroyed financially, careers destroyed, and attempted assassinations, some justice has to be had! PS Thank goodness Whoopi comes away with her Charlotte-Rousses, as you can see, she really needed them. 

Thursday, November 7, 2024

 11/7/24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Everyone happy now, it's finally over, another two-party election. Now we wait to see all the promises come true. (I'll settle for 50 %.) All for only a few Billion bucks the campaigns spent.

 3/6/25                                                                                                                                     ...